Directions. Carefully read and understand the instructions. Based on the given picture, complete the table by supplying the appropriate answer for each question. P NO PARKING UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES WILL BE TOWED AWAY AT VEHICLE OWNERS EXPENSE 1. Who are the possible readers of this signage? 2. Who could have possible written this signage? 3. What is the tone of the text in the signage? 4. What is the intention of the signage ? 5. What are the design principles and elements present in the signage? 6. What are the emphasized phrases in the signage? Why were these given particular attention?

Directions. Carefully read and understand the instructions.
Based on the given picture, complete the table by supplying the appropriate answer for each question.


1. Who are the possible readers of this signage?
2. Who could have possible written this
3. What is the tone of the text in the signage?
4. What is the intention of the signage ?
5. What are the design principles and
elements present in the signage?
6. What are the emphasized phrases in the
signage? Why were these given particular

1. drivers (people over 15)
2. government
3. the tone is extreme
4. the intention is to make people not park in that spot

0 Response to "Directions. Carefully read and understand the instructions. Based on the given picture, complete the table by supplying the appropriate answer for each question. P NO PARKING UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES WILL BE TOWED AWAY AT VEHICLE OWNERS EXPENSE 1. Who are the possible readers of this signage? 2. Who could have possible written this signage? 3. What is the tone of the text in the signage? 4. What is the intention of the signage ? 5. What are the design principles and elements present in the signage? 6. What are the emphasized phrases in the signage? Why were these given particular attention?"

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